
Relaxing into 
My own space, by letting the
Calm flood my heart/mind. 



You touched a part of me
I had not been to before
Unleashed a well
A messy hell
Intense and wired
Electricity fired.

Still burns.

S. Camplin


Spinning a yarn, while
Sitting with my knitting. Yeah,
Keeps me warm inside.



New chapter dawning.
A new hope. A clarity.
Anxiety gone.


Gentle soul. My love. 
You're the wind beneath my wings.
I'll miss you. Like mad.


You build your wall, and
I'll build mine.  But through the cracks
Is the place I miss.


Trust is a struggle
Reassurance desired
For a damaged heart



You fascinate.
I vacillate.
Forever fixed
On the spiralling
A lesson in love.

Yet caving in.
Cracks appearing,
In the stalagmite
Of my heart.

Ruminated light,
From a renewed
A clarity.
Reflected back.

S. Camplin


One look. One smile from
you. Can turn the blue into
Vibrant Violet.


The Cage

The cage is ephemeral.
Casts an illusory light.

The containment is nourishing.
An immutable force.

But the will to take flight,
Will leave it undone.

With unfettered singing.
Its bars fade from sight.

S. Camplin



I want to explore
Your darkest spaces
Until you
Make sounds
That echo
And make you shake.

I want to listen
As you glisten
From the very tips
To your crevices
As you harden
And soften in waves.

S. Camplin



Someday someone
Will make me feel
Like a somebody.

That day will be
Some day.
Maybe that someone is you.
Maybe that someone is me.

S. Camplin


Othering Me

It bothers me when you other me
And you put me in a restricted space
And place your idea of how I should be
Above my head.

Don't bother to other me
To emphasise my second sex
And place me in a heart-shaped box
That can dry up my creative juices.

Othering me is bothering me
'Cos it's all about what you would like
A woman to be like to maintain
The status quo.

S. Camplin


'Ineffable Me'

I'll take a cue from Kim.
Rock mother Gordon is a god.
Can I define me?
Can I find the real me?
Be the real me.
Just be.

Can I release the need
To be for you?
A woman who must do.

Yes, the ineffable me.
The indescribable me.
Free to be me.
All me.

S. Camplin


Eye Love...

Confusing, your eyes.
Eyes that give rise
To a thousand fantasies. 

Love in those eyes.
The eyes I could love.
Eyes I'd get lost in.

For me to lock eyes
For too long,
Would surely expose me.

How I long for your eyes.
To show longing
For mine.

S. Camplin


Worry Warrior

I'm waging a war.
A war on worry.
Anxiety the enemy.
Serenity my friend.

I'm pledging allegiance.
It makes total sense.
I'm now taking sides with calm.

And as I gain traction
There'll be no retraction.
As the worries do subside.

So I'm keeping my chin up.
Flying my flag.
And victory will be mine.

S. Camplin



She's here to welcome me
When I return home.
Solid and silent.
Never reneges on our deal.

Many times I have craved
For what she provides.
And moments when I'd like to replace her.
Magnanimous I'm sure.
She'd be happy to share.

A confidant.
She's significant.
One I will fiercely protect.
Solitude and I are the firmest of friends.

S. Camplin



Oscillating. They
Surge, and ebb, and grow. I yearn
To go with the flow.

Love chopping garlic.
Love the smell on my fingers.
Love eating garlic.

Steady moon. Our rock
Of ages. She waxes. Wains.
Her spirit intact.

Mindfulness can be
Freeing. Be aware of your 
Feelings. To let go.

Avocado. For 
Brunch. Smooth and creamy, it's a
Delight for the tongue.

The bulbs are planted. 
Their green tips breaking soil. I'll 
Harvest onions. 


Sister. My Sister.

I see you walk on by.
Wearing ya downbeat swag.

A pram laden down.
Many worries in them bags.

Your courage and strength.
On making ends meet.

My heart becomes humbled.
You are the unknown soldier.

So I honour you now.
As I honoured you then.

Sister.  My sister. 
Our fight will go on!

S. Camplin


Digging Your Vibe

An intriguing woman.
With a deep intellect.
A surreal sense of humour.
With a macabre wit.

Your laugh is like a ripple.
So present.  So free.
With a beautiful quality,
To let others just be.

And at your core,
Are not empty words.
But an ever-fixed conviction,
For full equality.

Unique in your way.
As the green of your eyes.
Calm and earthy, and wise.
I'm really digging your vibe.

S. Camplin


Dark Crevices

Boundaries breached.
And I reach for
The familiar.
The drone.
The tone of being alone.

In safer spaces.
Dark crevices.
All creased.
Folding in.

Reaching out may hurt.
So I remain wrapped
Round the coil.
Of my own making.

S. Camplin


A Tsunami

Emotions crash in.
A tsunami of feeling.
Wreaking uncertainty.
A tidal wave of pain.

Anxiety in trails.
No bank of wisdom
Can stem the tide.
Still struggling
With my vulnerable side.

I can't hide from it.
And nor will I.
I resolve to be kind
On my mind.

Hoping to find
That level shelter.
For longer and longer.
Each time.

S. Camplin


If I Could Show You...
If I could show you how I feel,
I would...
Kiss your neck.
Stroke your arm.
And look deep in your eyes.
Laugh with you.
Dance with you.
And walk hand in hand.
Debate with you.
Rest my head on you.
And give you my time.
Praise you.
Smile with you.
And raise you up high.
S. Camplin


My Feelings

My feelings
Are not a broken toy.
To discard
When play is over.

My feelings
Are precious, just like yours.
So to dismiss them
Is really hurtful.

My feelings
Are real, just like yours.
So treat them like
You mean it.

S. Camplin


Maternal Deference

I see the way you defer to him.
Preferring his opinion.
Lip service you pay,
To equality. 
You're threatened
By my freedom.

 I hear the way you defer to him.
 So proud of his achievements.
My womanly success
Is undermined.
You're uncomfortable
With my strong feeling.

S. Camplin